Monday, August 18, 2014

Quest #1a, The Mine

Meet Bemetherol and his uncle, travel through an old, monster-ridden cave, work through word puzzles, and even rebel for more gold!

                  Map of Mine

                 Bemetherol's Character Sheet. Not included on the page: Shield proficiency, Monkey Grip, Longsword -Weapon Focus, and Shield Expert.

                  Draconic Scroll

Part 1, The Introduction, is based more largely as a "Create Your Own Adventure," book. This is entirely optional, because it may be considered more boring when there are not constant hoards of monsters to be slaughtered. If your Adventurers decide to not participate in this portion of the quest, then I suggest you read through it and fill them in.

Part 2, The Mine, is based like a normal quest, they have much more freedom to explore the mine and do whatever they want. It is also formatted slightly differently to fit the purpose of a quest.

Part 3 continues on as a separate quest. It will likely be finished by the 23rd

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